When I create TOC I discover that some words in capitals in the header are not capitals.
“Single thougHTs”
is an example.
I cleared all direct formatting. I erased what was written and then rewrote the heading. It was set to H1 and capitals using the style editor. I wrote in capitals.
I also have WISDOm
and an entire heading in capitals in the main text in H1 "LOOKING FOR A PARTNER SAFELY which turns up in TOC as “Looking for a partner safely.”
All other chapter headings appear in TOC as in the text.
Then three at the end are not in capitals again.
All are made the same way.
I am using a Chromebook (Asus C301) and LO 5 (all you can get working well on a Chromebook.) The document is a long one with many chapters. (Please do not comment on this unless relevant to this question. I tried to split it and it was too confusing to do so at this late stage.)
Edited to say rhat unchecking “small capitals” in the style editor and retyping the word in capitals solved the problem. An explanation is in the comment below as to why the problem occurs.