On Xubuntu 16/04 LTS, running (currently) LO
I’ve not nailed down the exact time interval but every couple of weeks or so, virtually all of my preferences get reset. I can recognize it instantly because I have a pair of custom “all in one” toolbars for each of the apps which I use instead of the default toolbars. When prefs get reset, the default toolbars show up in addition, icon sizes / style revert to default, personal info disappears, default fonts, tabs, paths, etc. – All of this goes back to default. My custom toolbars are se LOparate XML files, so they survive, but that’s about it. I’m not in LO every day, so I can’t say exactly when it happens.
I’m not running any scheduled tasks that should affect this. I have backups running on a schedule, but I’ve not seen a correlation with that.
Any idea? It’s not a showstopper, but it is more than a little aggravating having to completely reconfigure LO every couple of weeks.