Why does Calc change the Time format in existing document?

Both my OS (Linux Mint 22) and LibreOffice Calc itself is set to Danish, and when I create a new spreadsheet it uses the correct time format - 23:30:00 and not 11:30 PM.
So why does calc insist on using the AM / PM time format in an old spreadsheet created by another LibreOffice on another Linux OS, where all the existing times are in the correct 24 hours format…?

If you upload this “strange” old file (or a fragment of it), then together we will see what is special about it.

Check the format of the cell. If it is set to standard (or whatever is shown in danish landuage) the cell should follow your settings.
But if I as creator select a specific formatting I expect this format to be persistent.
Would you expect to all $ currencies to be shown with an “correct?” € / Kronor / etc. ?

Number format locale of hard formatting overrides cell style.
Number format locale of cell style overrides global office locale (Tools>Options>Language)
The global office locale overrides the locale provided by the operating system.

That specific file contains a lot of confidential information, so I cannot send a part or fragment of it.
But I did some experimenting:

  1. I tried entering hours in other columns in the same file: No format problem!
  2. I tried entering hours in other files from the last 5 years, first on the old Linux OS and then again here on Mint: No format problem!

And I have already corrected the problematic columns using ‘Format Cells’. So I don’t think we can get much wiser, and it was solvable forcing the format of those specific columns in the specific sheet. So let’s call it ‘solved’. :slight_smile: