Why Does Clicking Visit Topic open the Topic in MS Edge?

When I have posted and received a response, I click on the Visit Topic link to get into the forum. When I do so, the forum opens in MS Edge. My preferred and default browser is Mozilla Firefox. Why is Edge the browser when I click on Visit Topic?

I would remove edge from my Windows 11 system if I thought I could do so without repercussions with Windows.


Presumably you receive a notification via email, and your email client opens the browser when you click on the link?

If you open a link in any other email, does it also open in Edge? Then likely the issue is with your email client; at a wild guess you use an MS mail client which would likely default to MS browser, because that’s what MS likes to do.

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You tagged base which means you are using the database frontend Base. Are you creating an application which requires access to a DB? In which case, how do you implement your transfer of control to a browser?

If I’m completely off your issue, retag appropriately. All problems related to the AskLO site should be tagged meta, optionally with a second tag like asklibo or asklibreoffics. Ideally, questions about AskLibO (UI, usefulness, ergonomics, errors, …) go to the Site Feedback leg of this site.

Finally, if you think your question is an elementary shared one, there is no agreed-upon tag for it. When a problem occurs in all the components (Writer, Calc, Draw, …), it is “shared” or “common”, then its tag is common. But there is no “standardised” tag for “basic problems”, partly because what is basic for one user is complex for another one. Refrain from tagging basic because this tags an issue with macros written in the Basic language.

Thanks for the information. I did, mistakenly, tag the post as base. I’ll see if I can retag it as it is common to LibreOffice in general. Any suggestions on where to start?

I discovered that by choosing the Edit option (pencil icon) on my original post that I could change the tag. I changed it from BASE to COMMON, although it is an issue only with the forum, I think.

Then as I explained common is not the appropriate choice. Tag meta with asklibo.

Your answer suggests that in fact it is an issue with configuration in your operating system.

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While I haven’t figured out how to change a tag on my post, I did discover (I think) why clicking links in forum posts causes MS Edge to launch. Some of the defaults in Control Panel were set to MS Edge. I’d post the sequence of selections but I don’t remember it and cannot duplicate it. In any case there is a place where one associates default apps for things like http and https. Some of those settings (but not http or https) had MS Edge as the default app. I changed all of them to Firefox. We shall see going forward if this worked.

I’m posting because it might help someone searching in future.