It is very surprising to me that Calc doesn’t have some straightforward functions for some very common and basic functionality. For example,
- It doesn’t have a ‘unique()’ function to give unique values from an a row/column/range.
- It doesn’t have something like ‘filter()’ function to extract values from row/column/range based on some user-given criteria.
- Heck, it doesn’t even have a ‘split()’ function to split a cell contents based on a given delimeter (like comma, dash, underscore etc).
- It doesn’t have a ‘sort()’ function too. I know most of the users will suggest me to see alternative methods available in Calc. But there are some use cases, where we need ‘sort()’ as a function rather than as a menu item.
Even Microsoft Excel does not have any such straightforward meaningful functions for the above functionality. As far as I know, only Google Spreadsheets provides these functions. In fact, if I analyse, these functions are what a person dealing with any considerable data analysis job does use more than 60% of the time.
Are there any plans to provide these functions in LibreOffice Calc in near future ?