Why does the Excel Macro "Windows("Data1.xls").Activate" not work in LibreOffice

Why does the Excel Macro “Windows(“Data1.xls”).Activate” not work in LibreOffice.

I believe that I attached the files so you can look at the Macro.
When I create the Macro in LibreOffice, the Macro Language looks completely different than when I create it in Excel. I’m just starting to experiment in LibreOffice. Is there a way to have the Macro Language look similar to the Excel Language?
![Error Image](Error Macro Image)
another try at image

Hi @KenW1,

Are you talking about a particular file that contains certain macros? Please upload an example file so we can take a look at it.


I attached two files. Or at least I think I did. I can not tell if they are there for you or not.The DataGathered file has the macro. Thanks for looking into this for me.

@KenW1 – I’m not seeing a link to any files. Did you use the paperclip icon to open the file-upload dialog?

I used the paperclip icon to add the files. I can not tell if they attached or not. I did it again this morning and I still can not tell if they are added. My e-mail address is Ken.Wraspir@3dcnc.com. If you want to e-mail me, I can send you the files that way.

@KenW1 – we did have some trouble in the past with uploads from certain browser/OS combinations. What are you running on your machine?

Windows Internet Explorer9
Version 9.0.8112.16421
Windows 7 Professional
Service Pack 1
64-bit Operating System

@KenW1 – let me try to rustle-up someone who can test on that config.

I tried a copy things and still have the same problems. Any luck on your end?

@KenW1 – Sorry, I haven’t found anyone with Win7-64bit. I’m still not seeing your files available for download (I see the start of some links, but there are no viable urls there)


I found a similar question on the Ubuntu Forums. Their macro code includes this familiar bit:

REM # Activate the original excel sheet

User Hagar Delest explained:

The macro language depends on the application and VBA cannot be completely implemented in other applications.

Either rewrite your macros in OOo/LO/AOO Basic or better, chose another language. Python is often advised on the AOO English forum.

I’m not sure about that .Activate function specifically. There might be some info here:

Thanks for the suggestion. I quickly tried it and it did not work. I have a busy schedule so I will try digging into it in the upcoming weeks.

@KenW1, I’m not sure what you quickly tried, but good luck with translating your VBA to LibreBasic :slight_smile: