Why does the font Alsina spill all over the screen in Slide show mode but looks fine in preview mode? How can I fix it?

Here is a free link to the file (.odp)

Here what it looks like : Imgur: The magic of the Internet
Top image is slide show mode, with the text somehow spilling all over the screen horizontally.
Bottom image is what it looks like in preview mode (in preview mode it looks fine)
My problem is why is that spilling text problem happening in slide show and how can I fix it ?

My OS is Windows 10. My Libre office Impress Version is (x64)

I fused both screenshots in one because this website does not allow to post more than one link at a time while silmultaneously not allowing to directly upload directly the picture.

In any case, your help is really appreciated, thanks. Just answering me would help.

Problem: cannot view file (“too large”).

Please explain the problems you are having (screenshots might help) and specify your (exact) OS and LO versions. Thanks.

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[quote=“needhelpn, post:3, topic:73934, full:true”]
Here what it looks like : Imgur: The magic of the Internet
Top image is slide show mode, with the text somehow spilling all over the screen horizontally.
Bottom image is what it looks like in preview mode (in preview mode it looks fine)
My problem is why is that spilling text problem happening in slide show and how can I fix it ?

My OS is Windows 10. My Libre office Impress Version is (x64)

I fused both screenshots in one because this website does not allow to post more than one link at a time while silmultaneously not allowing to directly upload directly the picture.

No one even attempted to help me… Is my question that complicated? :frowning:

Don’t be so demanding. We are only other users.

I have a different behaviour on my machine (Fedora Linux 35, KDE Plasma desktop, LO All text overflows the slides without the weird blotch you show on your screenshot. The reason for overflow here is font Alsina is not installed. Consequently a substitution is used.

Your problem is perhaps related to the font. Which origin? Which type? Remember that the rendering engine in LO dropped support for older font formats. So, if your font is created with these formats, expect problems (though in the case of unsupported format, the font should not appear in the font menu, but it does not remove it from the file).

PS: there are many typos and misspellings in your slides; very interesting anyway.

Cross-posted on https://old.reddit.com/r/libreoffice/comments/sroix0/why_does_the_font_alsina_spill_all_over_the/.

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Definitely a fault of the font. I duplicated the first slide and substituted Alsina font with Oswald Regular (Google font, free) in the second slide; the slides are otherwise identical.
In presentation mode, both appear correctly on the presentation screen in the second monitor.
However, in the preview screen on the presenter’s monitor the characters in the Alsina font overlay the previous ones.
The image below shows the Alsina on the left and Oswald Regular on the right.

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