Why does TRIM show zero values?

I may be wrong here, but I think last week my TRIM formulas returned ="", but now they show 0.

(I think this because I referenced it in an earlier question, and I understood mikekaganski to be confirming that TRIM would force ="")

Is it possible it’s doing something different this week than last? Are there settings I might have changed or is it not coping in a big spreadsheet?

I have changed one of the TRIM settings to T, and that has fixed the issue where I’ve done it.

But now I think T and TRIM aren’t doing the same thing. Should I be using =T(TRIM())?

Screenshot 2024-10-17 at 11.56.44

Well, they aren’t the same thing so it should not be a surprise that they behave differently.


Removes spaces from a string, leaving only a single space character between words.


This function returns the target text, or a blank text string if the target is not a text string.

Text functions

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And TRIM(blankcell) should return "" right? So it does the same job (and more)? Or not?

I do realise they’re different functions. My puzzle is that I am as sure as I can be that last week TRIM(blankcell) gave "". That is still the behaviour if I type that in a new sheet.

So why in column AS1:AT7 do I have 0?

Only you can see your spreadsheet; an image isn’t much help. Can you provide a reduced version of your spreadsheet - not an image - that exhibits the problem?

Sure. Reduced how? Just those first ~5 lines? or even less, say just these cells and their precedents?