Running Fedora 16 (64bit) w/ Gnome 3.2.1, migrated OO 3 (64bit) user files and folders including hidden user “system” folders storing various templates and configs. Then clean install of LibO 3 (64bit).
Immediately had a problem with Impress. Upon opening Impress the app popped up window asking for the correct filter for a master template file (.otp). No matter what filter is selected including the correct ODP Template filter, the response is not accepted and the window stays open forever. Recovery only possible via killing the process.
I noticed that the pop up window specified the otp file with a path throughthe old OO 3 user template folder. After much effort over several days, I just realized that the LibO installation failed to specify its own …/.libreoffice/3/user/template folder in the template path options! Once I added that path then all works correctly.
Just FYI…