I’m trying to reverse the order of characters in a string using SQL in LibreOffice Base. I’ve been searching all over for answers and all I can find is the REVERSE function. I understand Base uses HyperSQL and found the function in the HyperSQL User Guide at http://ihewiki.wustl.edu/wiki/images/e/ea/HSQL.pdf (p.166). The function is supposed to work as follows:
Returns a character string based on with characters in the reverse order. (HyperSQL)
When I try to run this in the Query Design View, it simply will not run. For my example I just did a select on REVERSE (‘ABCD’). I get an error stating: “Access is Denied: REVERSE in statement…”
The error message is: SQL Status: S1000
Error code: -33
If LibreOffice uses HyperSQL, why won’t this function work? Is there an alternative way to do this using SQL?
Thanks for your help.