Why is Calc freezing regularly?

I have a .ods of 1.6MB, 4 sheets, the main sheet with formulas has 1500 lines, 50 columns

In the past two hours it’s started freezing every for 10-15 seconds, unpredictably but around every 1-2 minutes. It was fine until then.

Things that make it freeze:

  • using arrow keys to move between cells
  • using mouse to pan across the sheet
  • using mouse to move to a different sheet.
  • Ctrl+C/V to copy/paste a cell
    ** but copy-paste while in the formula bar, or in a cell formula, is no problem
  • auto-saving
  • giving LibreOffice the focus from another programme
  • randomly freezes, too

I’ve tried:

  • switching off Auto-recalulate
  • switching off auto-save
  • removing filters

No difference at all

Any thoughts? Thanks

Version: (X86_64) / LibreOffice Community
Build ID: 0f794b6e29741098670a3b95d60478a65d05ef13
CPU threads: 4; OS: macOS 12.7.6; UI render: Skia/Raster; VCL: osx
Locale: en-GB (en_GB.UTF-8); UI: en-US
Calc: threaded

System Software Overview:
System Version: macOS 12.7.6 (21H1320)
Kernel Version: Darwin 21.6.0
Boot Volume: Macintosh HD
Boot Mode: Normal
Computer Name: MacBook Air (2)
Username: foo
Secure Virtual Memory: Enabled
System Integrity Protection: Enabled
Time since boot: 58 minutes

Model Name: MacBook Air
Model Identifier: MacBookAir7,2
Processor Name: Dual-Core Intel Core i5
Processor Speed: 1.6 GHz
Number of Processors: 1
Total Number of Cores: 2
L2 Cache (per Core): 256 KB
L3 Cache: 3 MB
Hyper-Threading Technology: Enabled
Memory: 8 GB
System Firmware Version: 489.
OS Loader Version: 540.120.3~37
SMC Version (system): 2.27f2

O arquivo.ods foi gerando inteiramente no LibreOffice?
Foi copiado/colado informações de outros arquivos?

Was the .ods file generated entirely in LibreOffice?
Was information copied/pasted from other files?

The base data (no formulas, I think) was in an .ods file downloaded from here:

First steps to take before submitting a bug

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Thanks, I wasn’t aware I was submitting a bug :laughing:

I assumed it was formulas or something slowing it down. I’ll follow those steps over the weekend and check back - thanks.

Well, it remains to be seen whether it is a bug.

was in an .ods file

And what is it now?

If you have the option of removing parts of the document, you can cut it in half until the problem no longer exists. And then go the other way round and add more.
At which change does the problem occur?

Alternatively, you can upload your document somewhere in the cloud and post the link here.

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It’s .ods: I built my formulas in the same file, so it’s their file with my formulas added.

Ah: so I can’t say whether it was generated entirely in LibreOffice: it might be they generated it in Excel (v. likely) and saved as .ods before publishing on GOV.UK.

@eteb3 , baixei o arquivo mencionada acima. Para mim esta normal, sem travamento, mas só tem uma planilha. Talvez o problema esta nas outras… se tiverem muitos cálculos.
Limpei formatação direta, arquivo ficou em 1,26 kb

@eteb3, I downloaded the file mentioned above. It’s fine for me, no crashes, but it only has one spreadsheet. Maybe the problem is in the others… if there are a lot of calculations.
I cleared the direct formatting, the file is now 1.26 kb

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Please test in safe mode, Menu/Help/Restart in Safe Mode


UserProfile#Resolving_corruption - The Document Foundation Wiki
linked from second step of


It would take me hours to understand the linked Step 1. Is Safe Mode useless before I’ve done Step 1?

I’m getting momentary freezes in LO Draw on macros Arm, which I can reproduce fairly systematically by saving a change to my Draw file. What happens during the freeze is that the LO UI becomes unresponsive, and won’t respond to mouse or keyboard input.

For me, switching UI context and back to LO tends to bring back UI interaction, but if I don’t switch context, it sometimes comes back on its own after a while. I opened the bug report below, closed it as WFM with 24.2.5.


I think better, making things as simple as possible, which is the case for Safe Mode in the Menu>Help.

This fixed it. It’s still slow - it hangs when re-filtering, for example, or pasting into a long range of cells (~1500). But I think that’s my processing speed.

The bigger problem of a hang when doing basic navigation and Ctrl+C has gone.

Unfortunately I don’t know which formula was causing the problem: I solved the problem accidentally by deleting some helper columns I no longer needed.

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