I have a number of data merged documents I print each week/month. EG, Receipt.odt and Bill.odt . Each week I sub out last week’s spreadsheet of recipients for a spreadsheet of this new week’s recipients. To do this, I open Receipt.odt, go to Edit->Exchange Database, then I browse to the spreadsheet I want, and Define. That’s easy enough.
What I don’t understand is why the list of “available databases” keeps growing and you can’t remove/delete them in that window. There is no value in this list for me; I never have any reason whatsoever to return to those old lists, they just get in the way accumulating there. Some of them are only 4 or 5 lines long, seems weird to call them a “database” at all. Worse, I just noticed today a ton of .odb files in my documents folder – a real mess I did not notice growing under my nose. I recognize immediately that they have the same name as the .ods files I use to do data merges in Writer. Why the heck must these .odb files be generated and can I stop it from continuing to happen? Can I have them automatically go to the trash – will that eliminate the list in Edit->Exchange Databases? I do keep the .ods files for reference, but I don’t also need the same data in a .odb. I don’t think it even asked me where I want to save them, it seems to have just dumped them in my Documents folder.
Can I just delete these .odb files? Is there a simpler way to do data merges that isn’t going to generate unwanted files? Am I making this more complicated than it has to be? Or is having the .odb files auto-dumped to the trash going to solve this for me? If so, how do I do that?