Why isn't the default download for Windows the x64 installer?

I was doing something that required an office suite. I thought, why not get Libreoffice? I went to the main page and downloaded the installer.
When it was finished, I looked more closely. Apparently it was for x86.
I spent another 15 minutes downloading the x64 installer.
The web site wasted 15 minutes of my life.

I believe that more than 50% of computers are 64-bit nowadays. Why not make the default download (the big green button on the main web page) the x64 installer?


The web site wasted 15 minutes of my life.

Try taking responsibility for your own mistakes.

Why not make the default download … the x64 installer?

32-bit Apps will work on 64-bit Windows, but not vice-versa
(although it is a fair point that the balance of which by majority use is the default is changing).

“Try taking responsibility for your own mistakes.” Seriously? That was harsh, especially since it’s so hard to find the 64 bit version on the website. In fact, I have yet to find it!

With LibreOffice 5.0 we introduced x64 builds for Windows. We know that is not that stable as the x86 version and moreover misses smaller seldom used features.

Even though I haven’t found it in any news or blog post, it seems to me that starting with LibreOffice 6.0.2 the x64 version for Windows is offered as default if the website is visited using a 64 bit web browser (most of them I believe) :slight_smile: