Why will my offline help not work


I have just downloaded LibreOffice 5.4.1 and the appropriate help pack.

Here are the exact filenames:

> LibreOffice_5.4.1_Win_x86.msi
> LibreOffice_5.4.1_Win_x86_helppack_en-ZA.msi

I installed them in sequence, and restarted my computer. Restarting should not even have been necessary, but I did it anyway.

When I click on help, it gives me this message:

The LibreOffice built-in help is not installed on your computer. You may either install it from our website or your system’s repositories, or read an online version.

I had the same problem with the previous version of LibreOffice on Windows 8.1, but not on Windows 97.

Is there someone out there that can help me solve this problem please?

I have already searched in the existing Threads, but could not find a sufficient solution.

but not on Windows 97

Oh, good old Windows 97!.. Sweet memories… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

But actually, do you have your LibreOffice locale set to en-ZA? Maybe it’s not finding the help pack because it looks for another locale?

@mikekaganski It must have been a dream. There never was a Windows 97.

Of course… I supposed that the smiley was talking.

The needed congruence in language/region is concerning the UI language, not the locale.

Haha…silly me! I meant Windows 7…

However, thank you so much for your response! It was all I needed.

Although the Locale setting was correct, the User interface under Tools | Options | Language Settings | Languages was wrong.

I corrected this, and my problem was solved!

Thank you very much!