Win 10 desktop menu New Open Document settings

Hi I’m in the UK & have my language settings both in Windows & LibreOffice for UK English.
Windows desktop displays a menu when right clicking with a number of options one of which is a New/Open Document Text. This uses the extension .odt as you’d expect. I often use this when I want to enter some text or copy paste text into a new document. This is faster then opening Libreoffice.
The issue I have is this method uses US English & whilst not hard to change this when the document has opened, I’d like to modify the shortcut & haven’t been able to find a way of doing that either in Windows or Libreoffice.
If anyone has overcome this issue either with English or another language then I’d be grateful for any advice.

This is fixed in version 7.1 - see tdf#133661.

That’s great. I think I’ll wait for the upgrade it can’t be too far away.


replace file soffice.odt in %ProgramFiles\LibreOffice\share\template\shellnew\ with a file where you have set the desired language. To do so, you need administrative privileges and filename must not be changed.

Hope that helps.

Thanks for that. I’m assuming you refer to the Windows Administrator account because when I try to open it to edit Windows tells me it’s locked by an unknown user. This is a new machine for me & I haven’t got round to taking control of that yet. Useful to know where it’s stored though.