In case anyone might find it useful, here’s a PowerShell script I wrote that automatically downloads and updates LibreOffice on Windows:
You can schedule the script to run using the SYSTEM account. Create a folder for the downloads and the script, (e.g., C:\Installs\LibreOffice), copy the Update-LibreOffice.ps1 script to it, and schedule the script to run using the Task Scheduler:
Program/script: %SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe
Add arguments (optional): -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NonInteractive -NoProfile -File "
-EnableLogging -Install -Quiet
Of course, replace the C:\Installs\LibreOffice path with the name of the folder where you put the script and where you want the script to download the installer files.
I schedule this script to run once a week on Sundays, and it automatically downloads and installs the latest version of LibreOffice if the version it finds on the Internet is newer than the one that’s installed.
The -EnableLogging parameter tells the script to create a log file for later analysis if needed.