The unoconv github page has an example to to call unoconv in windows:
C:\Program Files (x86)\LibreOffice 3.5\program\python.exe unoconv -f pdf some-file.odt
Since unoconv is a python script, you need to install python, too. After that, you can run unoconv using python as described above. I didn’t test it myself, but AFAIK you don’t need to put unoconv into a specific folder under the LO program directory.
Ok, let’s try it step by step.
Download unoconv. You can either grab the tar.bz2 archive from Dag’s page, or a ZIP file from the github site. Since WIndows doesn’t ship with an extractor for bz2 archives, i recommend to download the ZIP from github.
Extract the ZIP. Notice that the unoconv directory is situated in a subdirectory containing the git repository id. In my case, it’s “dagwieers-unoconv-9b68368”.
Open a terminal and cd to the extracted unoconv directory. I copied the complete content of the ZIP into “Program Files (x86)
”. Because of that, i did:
Open the start menu, enter “cmd
” in the search bar, execute “cmd
In the terminal window, enter (adjust the path if necessary)
cd "\Program Files (x86)\unoconv\dagwieers-unoconv-9b68368"
Check if unoconv is present in the current directory: “dir unoconv
”. If you get a “File not found”, check the path.
Test if unoconv works in general:
In the terminal window, enter
"\Program Files (x86)\LibreOffice 3.6\program\python.exe" unoconv -h
As output, you should get a list of unoconv command line option. If this works, you’ve unoconv ready to work.
Still in the terminal window, and still in the unconv directory, try to execute the convert command.