Windows Registry changes

As mentioned in the release notes LibreOffice 4.2: Release Notes - The Document Foundation Wiki under “Windows Registry changes”, we can configure/customize the options using windows registery.

Can we do a similar change in the linux as well ?

From reading the example this is a possibility to read config from registry and translate this to the user-profile.
So I’d say: Yes, but you have to modify the default/shared/individual profiles directly.
But there is also: No, there is neither “the linux” nor this “central registry for everything”. So the places where the profiles go can be different by distribution. We have now Snap/Flatpack and AppImage besides regular installed software, which may behave differently. So you need also maintainers to support.
I guss the origin of the question was here:

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maybe with something like that : Restrictions via windows registry or other manner - #2 by oweng