Utter LO newbie!
LO, Word for Mac 16.67. .docx created in Word, opened in LO. Document is a book in progress. 273 pages in Word, 291 pages in LO. The multi-page TOC starts on p. 1, after the title, subtitle, and author; it contains three fewer entries in LO.
If I Save As from LO to a .docx with a different name and then open that in Word, it is 283 pages and the 1st TOC page has regained one of the three entries.
The LO view zoom is 142%, same as Word. But simultaneously on the same display, in LO everything looks a lot larger – type, white space. LO Layout/Margins are:
L=0.8", R=0.5", T=0.5", B=0.5"
The original Word’s Margins are:
L=0.8", R=0.5", T=0.8", B=0.5" (i.e., top margin 0.3" larger than LO)
I am mystified. What might I look at?