I’m blown away by how hard it was to reset my password on the forum, because the old password suddenly didn’t work. Multiple dead ends. If it’s this hard to get my password reset through no fault of my own, what does that portend?
And furthermore, I had to pick “writer” I couldn’t pick “system” or something more appropriate. My apologies.
And then to be met with multiple languages. Don’t you think you could inquire of my language from my IP address? Or when you asked for my first and last name, maybe adding a language preference there would have been logical.
I’m in awe that you want to drive people away. I guess only the hardy get to this point.
Well, if that’s the intended triage, I guess I’ve made it.
After the forced password change, I log in and i’m redirected to a page whose url ends in a grayed out /edit. It asks my first and last name, then then offers the Submit button, which does absolutely nothing, so I’m stuck on the page. Super frustrating.
Exiting my firefox tab, I re-establish connection to documentfoundation.org proper and login. It says I need to change my password again. Huh! I change and it goes into a loop that won’t let me out of the change my password subsystem. Ok, I beginning to understand.
I close my tab and start over.
Next, I re-establish connection with documentfoundation.org and this time it shows me a list of forums. Am I happy yet? No, I’m still not happy.
I see multiple languages on multiple topics. I’m confused. What in the name of God is this? I can’t even read this. You mean I have to work with this kind of a page?? I start clicking icons in the upper right corner. Finally I hit something that elects English. That was lucky! (I guess you have to have some luck in this process. If you don’t have any luck this time around, just rinse and repeat and you might have some luck on a future round.)
I get to a “create a new topic,” but I can only select from LO subsystems. Not ideal. We’ll just see what happens. After all, I had to go through that gauntlet to get this far.
So would someone be so kind as to get this info to the right group? Obviously “writer” is not the right place! Again, my apologies. Please understand, I don’t have a choice here.
I am looking forward to settling into a standard question format. Future posts will do so, if at all possible.
Have a good day!