wrapping from an image doesn't work

if I paste an image into writer and want to wrap after the image, it doesn’t work, unlike Word (which I hate :wink: )
With Word

as you can see as soon as you paste the image with Writer, and click on enter, it does not allow you to paste a new image but moves the image down.
With Word, however, it works correctly.
S.O. windows 11
LibreOffice , Last version

If you want some help, give more details. Re-open your question (click on below it, then on the “pencil” icon): you’re now in edit mode.

Mention OS name, LO version and save format.

What are you image properties/characteristics?

What do you what to achieve? Text at left or right of image? Or on both sides? No text at all aside the image?

For best advice, attach a sample file so that we can have an idea about formatting and your skills in it.

With Writer


And what should I understand from your video clip? You didn’t even enable View>Formatting Marks which gives an idea of what is present in the document.

Are you trying to write between the images? What is your complaint? (your goal is not stated) There is no hint about the structure of the document (Where are paragraphs? Are there empty paragraphs? Where are the images anchored? How are they anchored (to paragraph, as character, to page)?

This is my first time writing in this forum, please be patient.
Maybe I wasn’t clear.
When I paste the first image, with Word, but also according to logic, if I press ENTER, I go to the beginning and can immediately paste a second image.
If I do it with Wirter this doesn’t happen as you can see from the video, what happens instead is that with each send it drags down the first image.
If, after pasting the first image, I click on enter and write a word, for example A, and then press ENTER, then I can paste a second image without messing up everything.
I hope I was clear this time :pray:

Not that much, but you describe your procedure so that I can reproduce it here.

Important point: Writer is not Word. This means Writer is free to implement features as is felt to comply with some specification which may be different from Word’s because Word perhaps does it wrong.

The image is inserted into the document, anchored to the paragraph where the cursor is, and the image remains selected.

Nothing happens because the image is still selected so that it can be manipulated before continuing with text.

You must deselect the image by sending the focus to text before any key press has effect. For instance, you must click somewhere in text.

Yes, once you’re back in text mode. To be precise, the image is not sent down. Enable View>Formatting Marks to see what is really in your document and what is added.

For every Enter press, you add a paragraph break (creating an empty paragraph if you typed nothing else.

Why is the image slipping down?

I suppose you started with a blank document. Such a document is not “empty”. It contains a paragraph with no text. Since nothing is now at this stage about your document and its contents, this initial paragraph is styled Default Paragraph Style which can be considered as the “maximum entropy” mark-up.

Your image is anchored to this paragraph. When you click to revert to text mode, the cursor is located before the mark (and this is logical because there is no user contents yet). When you hit Enter, you create a new paragraph at the cursor position. But this does not change the image anchored which remains related to the last paragraph (the very first created).

I assume your problem is to add text below the image without moving it. Your have 2 solutions:

  • before pasting your image, make sure you have at least one paragraph below the desired location (it is easier to make sure when View>Formatting Marks is enabled) and check the cursor is not at end of document.
  • if you didn’t do this, click on the image to select it
    You’ll see green (or other colour) selection handles on the image and an anchor-in-a-grey-square telling you where the image is “attached”. Click and drag the anchor to move it to another paragraph (above the last one).
    You can now click in the last paragraph to add more text without moving the image (because it is no longer anchored to the “wrong” paragraph.

If you want Writer to behave the same as Word in this respect then you have to set Writer to act the same way.
Click Tools > Options > LibreOffice Writer > Formatting Aids and under Image change Anchor to *As Character. OK.
The difference remains that after pasting or inserting the image, it remains selected in Writer, so press Esc to return to the text cursor