In addition to @anon73440385’s answer, you can create your own frame style.
If you derive (right-click on an existing frame style and New
) your custom style from Frame, it will be anchored To Paragraph. If you derive it from Graphics, it will be anchored To character or more exactly in the default mode you defined in Tools
, LibreOffice Writer
>Formatting Aids
But there is no big difference between To paragraph and To character. It only matters is the paragraph straddles a page boundary. To paragraph is strictly equivalent to anchoring to the zeroth character of the paragraph, i.e the very beginning. Then To paragraph will try to maintain the image on the same page as the paragraph beginning, while To character will position the image on the same page as its anchor.
The real difference is with As character where the image is inlined in the paragraph and submitted to flow and justification like all other characters.
Alignment, both horizontal and vertical is set in the frame style.
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