Writer 4.4 export as PDF losses formatting

Just started using Writer 4.4. When I export my book as a PDF file, the PDF is aligning my pages left and ignoring the justified format of the document. There may be other format losses issues? Is this a know bug?

I am having this problem too. Any document that I attempt to “export as pdf” loses the typographic alignment, in my case “justification” of the paragraphs. I did not have this problem in OpenOffice. It is particularly troublesome if you have used a superscript character and the character is placed several spaces away from the word it modifies.
I tried redrafting each document in ODT in case .doc was causing a problem but it did not help. Is there a fix for this?

I am using Writer

I am also having this issue. Has anyone found a solution yet? Any document opened in writer that is justified will lose formatting when I export or save as a PDF.

I am not aware of such a bug but recommend to look at:https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/

Additionally. What happens with the alignment when you print out a page which gets wrong during pdf-export?

I have not tried printing the document because the PDF conversion is causing a change in pagination. There are probably other formatting changes in the PDF conversion.


this bug exists to this date in LIbreOffie

I have a 1page and a 32 pages document, justified format looks fine. I export to pdf and aligment is basically screwed up (mostly left, sometime justified).

Is this a known bug?

I think this is serious, because this makes it unusable when you need pdf export.

Information: In Open Office this works.

I have the same problem. Exporting odt in PDF differs using LibreOffice (LO - ver. and NeoOffice (NO ver 2014.10). The document exported in LO includes several blank spaces, particularly before the bold text.

I have this problem too… Any fix soon?

Printing the file within LO Writer prints the correctly formatted justified text, and thanks to this suggestion by a previous commenter I was able to save a correct PDF from within the print dialogue, thank you! But the direct or menu exporting of PDF ruins the text alignment.

I have this problem too… Any fix soon?

Printing the file within LO Writer prints the correctly formatted justified text, and thanks to this suggestion by a previous commenter I was able to save a correct PDF from within the print dialogue, thank you! But the direct or menu exporting of PDF ruins the text alignment.

I’ve had the same problem with the ‘export to pdf’ option and sorted it out by also going to the option File → Print… → and select ‘Save as a PDF’ at the bottom left of the window. For some reason it worked this way…