Writer: Automatically adjust font size of text to fit within page

I have searched the existing resources for Writer as well as several topics posted on Ask but to no avail. I have a pretty simple thing i’d like to accomplish:

I print a lot of labels with Writer, and i have a default template set up to the label size and orientation.

I copy and paste blocks of text into those labels, sometimes the text is too big of a font size to fit all on one label. Sometimes there is enough room for me to increase the font size of what i am pasting

I would like to automate this process so that any time text is pasted in the text box (the whole label) it is automatically resized to the maximum size that still fits in the text box.

Is there a way to do this?

To the best of my knowledge, you can’t do that in Writer. Writer is based on another paradigm: formatting directives coerce text, not the other way round. This means formatting takes precedence over text. There is no retro-action from text to formatting.

Even Draw won’t do that. You can label a rectangle with text but you can only request to adapt rectangle size to text. And since Impress and Draw are nearly the same application, there is no hope on Impress side.

Strictly speaking, text boxes do have, with right click menu Text Attributes, a Fit to frame which does resize the text within if the the text box is resized. The problem in trying to use it for labels is that it can also distort the characters. The text needs to have returns as this setting doesn’t wrap text automatically leading to this:
After adding line breaks it looks better
But reducing height with the same line breaks gives

The reason for this setting really is that text in labels on drawings can resize if the drawing is scaled.