I have a document “document B” that has a number of zotero (bookmark) fields in it. Document B was extracted as a separate document from a larger document A. It looks like I have MANY superfolous custom properties in document B (and A for that matter) (file>properties>custom properties), that are related to zotero bookmarks. Zotero references that were inserted at one point and later deleted (they don’t display under bookmarks in writer).
It looks like there’s also some that are still relevant related to zotero but I’m willing to bite the bullet and delete all of them and redo all my references.
I imagine these ‘custom properties’ are a legacy of document A - is this correct? I’m not sure how custom properties work, but why do they remain? Is there a way to avoid them? Even when I copy and paste the text of B into a new blank .odt document they are still there.
I’d like to bulk delete them as a test. Is there a way to do this? It looks like I can only do one at a time. Here’s a screen shot of the custom props too FYI. Thanks for any advice.
(Edit: activated screenshot -AK)