Writer bullet / number not indenting in lists

I’m sure this is answered elsewhere, probably multiple times, but I’m not seeing it come up in my searches.

Specifically, when I create a numbered list, if I start a new line and hit tab, it correctly changes the number to indicate the new level that I’ve moved to, but the list marker itself does not move. That is, where I expect to see:

I.  This is Item One
    A) This is subItem One

I end up with:

I.  This is Item One
A)    This is subItem One

If I continue to indent, the item number chanes ('A)" becomes ‘1.’) but its position remains locked to the position of the level one marker.

I’m using the default style, and it shows the alignment, indent, and tab stop values all increase by 0.25" at each level.

So, I’m completely at a loss as to why the item marker will not move further in as I tab to increase the item level. Of course, I can adjust it manually… but I’d rather not have to go that route…


The numbering scheme wasn’t the bare-bones default, I suppose. I had selected the “I->A->i->a” scheme under the Outline tab in the “Bullets and numbering” dialog…

In the end, I rebuilt the document from scratch rather than try to solve the problem.

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I assume from “I’m using the default style” that you create your numbered list with the tool bar button applied to some paragraph styled with an ordinary paragraph style. You also modified the Bullets & Numbering settings to get uppercase roman at level 1 and uppercase letter at level 2. This means you’re in fact no longer with default settings.

In case I made wrong assumptions, edit (don’t use an answer) your questions to provide more details.

Parameters for list layout sit in Position tab. The bullet/number position is controlled by Aligned at independently from the item “left margin” set by Indent at.

If changing any parameter does not change your list appearance, then you are not under the “default style”. Give the name of the paragraph style in use and the properties of this style in Outline & Numbering tab.

For me list layout was good in Position tab.
What I had to do is selecting badly indented area, right click, Clear Direct Formatting

Problem solved by starting a new document.

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Same problem. It’s only true for one part of a document. Nothing I try works at all including removing all formatting marks. so weird.

@Fanboy Problems with lists are tricky. Ask your own question giving OS name, LO version and save format. Be as detailed as possible in your description, notably the procedure you followed. Don’t forget the goal you want to achieve in terms of typographical appearance, not the solution which failed. Tell us if you’re familiar with styles or if you format everything manually.