Writer: conditional structure line in alphabetical index?


Alphabetical index entries can be split into up to 3 levels: level-1 is main key, level-2 secondary key and level-3 tertiary key. This results in an index formatted as:

Entry at level-1................3
Main key........................3
   Another secondary............7

In the example above, there is a Main key entry at page 3 and Secondary, Main key at page 5 and Another secondary, Main key at page 7. This is fine.

However, when the main key is used only for grouping (and there is nowhere a lone Main key entry), the index displays as:

Entry at level-1................3
Main key.........................
   Another secondary............7

I’d prefer this:

Entry at level-1................3
Main key
   Another secondary............7

I can’t change the structure line for level 1 from E T # to E because it will suppress page indication in the Entry at level-1 line.

Although a structure line is a “constant”, is there a way to make it context-sensitive, i.e. if it has no dependant higher level entries subordinate to it, to give an alternate structure?