Writer Index, behaving differently, wish to restore old version

I’ve been using Writer to create book indexes for years. I am not tech savvy, but I understood what I was doing before the most recent LibreOffice download. Now, when I try to create a user-defined index entry, the entries either seem simply to disappear or to appear erratically in the final list. Entries used to highlight after I hit the “insert” button, so I could keep track of them, and it wasn’t possible to enter the same bit of text multiple times, and I knew what to expect once I created the final list.

Is there a fix for this? Can I download the old version of LibreOffice somewhere?

OS name, LO version, save format?

Entries can be listed in “erratic” order in a user-TOC (user index table) if they are defined in frames because frames (creating ipso facto secondary text flows) have no order relationship with main text flow. Frames are usually explored in creation order which can be different from “visual order”.

So, giove more details about your document. For best analysis, attach a short sample file.

Please see at the end of the download page:

My real issue is that the entries no longer highlight once I enter them into the table, making it difficult for me to keep track of my work. Is there a way to ask Writer to highlight index entries as I go? The final table still appears to organize according to page numbers, which is what I really need, so I won’t complain about that.

OS: Windows 11
LO: 24.2.5
Save format: ODT

Small sample/example of finished table:

User-Defined Index
Baba Bathra, 14b–15a 1
Jerusalem Talmud, Shabbath 16:15c 1
Babylonian Talmud, Ḥagigah, 8b 1
Mishnah, Taʿanith 4:6 2

Thank you!

You likely want to enable ViewField Shadings. There was a change, which made these shadings turned off by default, because it feels too intrusive for many. (I suppose, it was a bad change, but if the majority likes it, then others will need to get used to enable it, just the same as formatting marks. Maybe that was a change for tdf#58434.)

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That did it! Thank you terribly much. :smiley: I’m back in business!