Writer Index Formatting - linebreak within index reference

I have a customer that wants the index formatted for readability reasons over two lines instead of one. Can I accomplish this in Libreoffice Writer? The index reference is similar to “Barnes & Noble, The Book p.55 (2024)” and the Index formatting should look like the following:

Barnes & Noble,
[TAB][TAB]The Book p.55 (2024) …[TAB]… 1

[TAB} entered to show the formatting as it doesn’t display on here otherwise. I imagine this would have to be done through styles but I can’t figure out how I could possibly split the reference across lines.

When you create your index entry, enter “Barnes & Noble” in First Key and “The Book …” in Entry field.

The entry in the alphabetical index is then split into two paragraphs styled Index 1 and Index 2 you can adjust separately, both for “structure” and formatting.

Entries are ordered on First Key, then on Entry. All entries under same First Key are grouped together.

PS: when asking here, always mention OS name, LO version (exact 4 numbers) and save format.


Thanks @ajlittoz this is about as close as it’ll get short of building in the functionality.