Writer refuses to jump to last saved spot

I swear it used to jump right back to where you were last viewing/edited on startup. Now it refuses to do so and starts up in a completely random spot. Sometimes you can visually see it trying to maybe jump to the spot, but the screen spazzes out and almost seems to get “stuck” on this other random spot. Writer is just never able to open up previous spot as before. Windows 10, libreoffice

Please advise

Can that help?

Personal Data in LibreOffice

Thanks for the reply. I’ve already done both of those things, to no avail.


First steps to take before submitting a bug

For Writer, see
Bug 140147 - Position of cursor not saved correctly (see comment 46 for bibisect)

But tag says Draw. I don’t recall Draw opening to the last position of cursor when closed but many of my Draw documents are only one or two pages. I did try with an older version (LO and older files but all opened on page 1

I reset my profile and everything, as soon as I customized a couple things like background color I get the glitch again. It never jumps to where I was. Any fix for this please?

In the bug report I linked to, Shift+F5 was the workaround. AKAIK that is reliable although possibly not for documents exceeding 500 pages or so.

There is also a macro created by one of the moderators at OpenOffice, linked at 141586 – Restoring last document position is unreliable or this one How to save cursor position in Writer? - #20 by Lupp

Thanks for the promotion regarding forum.openoffice.org!
I still think that bookmarks should be used. Especially with a long text, you will often have several pieces “in progress” - and deleting bookmarks that have become obsolete is a matter of seconds.
However, I had doubts about the code I published earlier, and I have revised it again.
If you automate the process using an event handler, you can now choose for each document whether it should apply the automation. (Dummy bookmark.)

I haven’t written long texts myself for many years, so I can’t judge much from practical experience.
I would be interested in your opinion on the attached template.
autoBookmarkDemo.ott (57.6 KB)

Have nice days.

For the test, I pasted the contents of the Writer Guide in twice. The different page layout gave a document 1128 pages long that took a little while to paginate each time.
The macro created the bookmark but I had to double-click it in Navigator to get there as I think it got disturbed during the long pagination. Either that or I deleted the “Dummy bookmark” automation accidentally
As I thought, Shift+F5 always wasn’t successful, sometimes taking me to an earlier part of the document
The quickest way was to use the TOC which is what I am in the habit of doing

MouseOver or single click on a bookmark only highlights the anchored textrange. To select it eventually the bookmark must be doubleclicked. (Don’t remember wich versions may have acted differently.)
The “dummy bookmark” (% by default) is only checked by the event handler to decide if an AutoBookmark should be created on “Document is going to be closed”.
Of course this automatism is just suggested.
If the needed code is moved to the Standard library in “My macros and dialogs” a conflict with an event handler for different tasks may occur.
You will know how to avoid this, a user John Doe may not.
Similar problems exist with any suggested solution based on user (custom) code.