(Writer) Some Style and Font Size Questions

So I’m trying to reformat a document from a baseline of 12 pts to 9 pts for printing.

If I change the “default style” font size, that adjusts the text body, but not the headers, which end up out-of-proportion. For whatever reason, my files have point sizes for the headers, rather than percentages.

I could manually edit each header font size, but I’d like to be able to restore the current format after printing.

I could duplicate the source file, and manually edit one copy for printing, without toucching the other.

But I wonder if there’s a way to create a menu of formats, like “9 flat” where every font size is 9 pt, and “12 stepwise” where the default and text body are 12 pt, while the headers are 14, 16, etc. and apply different formats to the same document.

Headings are decoupled from the Standard paragraph style.
Basic changes to the font and font size can be made under:

Tools > Options > LibreOffice Writer > Basic Fonts (Western).

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Thanks, those settings also work for the headers (but not the title.)

A styles menu wuld still be helpful, if it is possible.

Maybe just printing as Brochure would be sufficient? The pages are reduced from, say, A4 to A5 (or Letter to Statement) but two pages are printed on each side of the the A4 sheet in landscape and the font is reduced from 12 pt to 8.5 pt

If your goal is to publish variants of your document from a single source, it can be achieved with a clever configuration of master documents referencing the single “sub-document”. You’ll probably also have a common (or rather base-) template.

Read In book publishing, how best to change the page size for a new edition? - #5 by ajlittoz for a description of the workflow.

Note it requires a good skill with styles and prohibition of direct formatting under all its guises. In particular, use exclusively character styles for typographical variations inside a paragraph.