Writer v24 on Ubuntu: cannot open docx file in hidden folder

When doubleclicking a .docx file in a hidden folder on Ubuntu, an error message “Access to … was denied” is shown by LibreOffice Writer v24.

If I do the same with LibreOffice Writer v7, this just works and the file is opened in Writer.
I use Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and LibreOffice 24.8 Writer.

Is this a known bug in Writer v24? If haven’t found a ticket for that?

To reproduce, on Linux (I use Ubuntu 22.04 LTS):

  1. Create a folder x in your home folder.
  2. Copy a docx file in there.
  3. In the Files app, double-click the docx file → Writer opens up successfully (OK).
  4. Close Writer
  5. Rename folder x to .x
  6. In the Files app, double-click the docx file → Writer shows error (NOT OK).

My own fault, as my installation of LibreOffice is via snap, which by default does not have access to hidden files.

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