Writer: "View>Data Sources" always disabled

Fedora 38, KDE Plasma desktop (Qt widgets)

Menu View>Data Sources is always disabled.

I want to use it to access the bibliography database structure (fields and properties), but I can’t activate it. Tools>Bibliography Database was opened. I thought there could be a conflict, so I closed the window. Since menu command was still disabled, I quit LO and reopened Writer on a blank document. Again no luck.

What am I missing?

When I choose View>Data Sources (Ctrl+Shift+F4) from the menu, a window for selecting data sources opens.

With me:
Version: (X86_64) / LibreOffice Community
Build ID: 53bb9681a964705cf672590721dbc85eb4d0c3a2
CPU threads: 8; OS: Windows 10.0 Build 19045; UI render: Skia/Raster; VCL: win
Locale: de-DE (de_DE); UI: de-DE
Calc: CL threaded

Yes that’s what the doc says. I probably made a mistake which lead to the menu command to be disabled. But I can’t find it.

Just a guess:
Did you override the library?
I think there must be at least one data source logged in.


I did change the bibliography database for a custom one (a spreadsheet). But when I saw the menu command disabled, I reverted to the built-in bibliography, but the command is still disabled. I don’t remember if it was disabled before my trials because I don’t use frequently the bibliography feature.

Just checked I am back on the built-in bibliography. A weird thing: when I Tools>Bibliography Database, it complains that many “fields” are not associated with columns. I assume the built-in bibliography is a kind of demo and is “perfect”, i.e. working without errors or warnings. This may be a sequel of my tweakings. I’ll try with another account and eventually reset my user profile.

No luck. Same behaviour under another account. The only difference is unmatched fields list is not the same.

Sorry, I’m not that deep into it (as I usually am :sunglasses:).
I hope someone else will be able to help you.

Could you please upload the old .odb (…LibreOffice/4/user/database/biblio.odb ) and the new .odb.
What is the value of the option LibreOffice Base / Databases / Registered Databases Bibliography ?

I am the one to blame. Since I have no DB project presently, I didn’t install libreoffice-base package, considering it is “only” a frontend to base DB functionality already present in core.

After installing the package, View>Data Sources is enabled (but this does not solve my pending issue about a non-standard bibliography source).