XLSM Newbie question

Hi, I am a regular user of LO and Calc. I am trying to use an xlsm file (professionally written) but when I try to click the buttons they don’t appear to be clickable. Thoughts? I expect it is a setup thing.

Your macro settings?
Also: xlsm will contain vba-macros, not Macros for LibreOffice, so I wont expect anything is working, even/especially for “professionally written”. But you should check settings for loading of vba-macros:

Support for VBA Macros.

While I did the things that were suggested, and there was some improvement, it still does not work. Doesn’t seem to be a way to attach the files to this post. Thoughts?

Use the icon with tooltip Upload, 7th from left.
Or drag file from file manager onto open comment on this site.
See also This is the guide - How to use the Ask site? - #3 by Hrbrgr

tried to upload but apparently .xlsm is too large (and is not supported file type either). Here’s a link

The file in the link above doesn’t work for me even in Excel 2016.
In any case, the file contains ActiveX controls that are unlikely to work in LO Calc. In addition, the complexity of the file is such that it requires laborious adaptation to LibreOffice.

Thank you. I will try a modern copy of Excel (my wife has 365).

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