I got error "The connection to the data source "DB file name" could not be established."

I want to open and edit a .mdb file created by MS Access earlier than 2007, so I launched sbase.exe and go over 1st and 2nd step by picking ‘Connect to existing database’ then picked ‘Microsoft Access’ which will give .mdb file type in explorer dialog window, but then next I got the message
“The connection to the data source “DB file name” could not be established.
The connection could not be created. May be the necessary data provider is not installed.”

my spec
Windows 10 Pro 64 bit
Libre Office 64 bit 6.0.32

Has anyone solved such this and sincerely would share it to me so will benefit from it ?

Please do not post as wiki. It helps no one.

Hello @Abdan,

Connecting with Access in Windows using 64-bit LO & built-in connection does not work. There is an outstanding bug report on this.

You have two choices to connect. Install a 32-bit version of LO & 32-bit JRE and the connection will work.

Another solution using your existing 64-bit LO is to use a JDBC connection.

To do so, see my answer int this post → mdb files not loading to base.

Edit 2018-04-11:

Although I have not tried/tested it, there may be a third solution. That is to to download ‘Microsoft Access Database Engine 2016 Redistributable’. Please see Bug 107360. Refer to comments 10, 11 & 13.

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