I wish to create a shopping list that only makes visable items selected

I want to have a tick box that when selected a corresponding description field makes the item visible. So I have a full list of possible items That when the corresponding cell is given a positive selection the description is visible and can be shown on the subsequent printed list.

To make the list easier to go through I only want fields to show when printed. Otherwise the item should not be visable.

Have you tried using colour to highlite the desired items, possibly with conditional formatting a number? Just a possibility :relaxed:

in a way you need two lists, one where all items are visible to ‘tick’ them, one reduced with the selected items, ‘sumproduct’, filter and ‘copy output to’ might be your friends …

  • Type the list in column A, and descriptions in column B, including titles in row 1.
  • To allow description data to flow in more than one line, choose menu Format - Cells… - Alignment tab, and check Wrap text automatically, or press Ctrl+Enter after each item.
  • You can use a square (☐)¹ before each item, to mark with a pencil.
  • Select the cells with content in column A, including the title.
  • Choose menu Data - AutoFilter (accept if prompted with: “Do you want the first line to be used as column header?”).
  • Now you can press the down arrow in A1, and select or unselect desired items.
  • Rows with unselected items will hide.
  • You can print from this list, or copy and paste in another document.

See sample file.

LibreOffice Help on Applying AutoFilter.

¹ If using Wrap text automatically, my advice is to follow the square with a no-break space (type 00A0 and inmediatelly press Alt+X).

Made with LibreOffice (x86); OS: Windows 6.1.

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Thank you this works great