Error(script.xlb) after updating to version

Hello friends.

After doing the update to version, to start some programs LibreOffice returns the following error:

Error loading BASIC of document
General error.
General Error input/output.

After clicking the OK button of the window, the program opens normally.
But how can I fix this error?

Have uninstalled and reinstalled again, and not corrected

I await help if possible.

Thank you.

ho seguito le indicazioni soprascritte e il problema è risolto.
Ho fatto la stessa azione per il file “dialog.xlb”

I followed the overwhelming instructions and the problem is solved.
I did the same for the file “dialog.xlb”

(1) Close LibreOffice (+ Quickstarter, if enabled).

(2) If available in user profile: Rename script.xlb to script.xlb.bak [path: …\LibreOffice\3\user\basic\Standard\script.xlb].

(3) Copy script.xlb from the program directory [path: …\Program_Files\LibreOffice_3.5\presets\basic\Standard\script.xlb] and paste the file in the user profile [path: …\LibreOffice\3\user\basic\Standard].

(4) Run LibreOffice …

Hope this helps…

Any feedback welcome…

See also: Error loading BASIC of document file