Vlookup, data on another sheet

I have column B on sheet1, and name columan A) and surname (columns B) on sheet2.
On column B3 on sheet1 I have to place surnane, I found by vlookup function, so that I search the surname which is in the same row as name in A3, sheet2.

On sheet1, in A column, I have names. On column B I should place surnames, but using vlookup from the sheet2.

Please, can someone help me to write the right syntaks?
Thanks in advance!

Would it be right sth like:
=vlookup($A2; $Sheet2:$A2:$sheet2:b15; 2)

I tried like this bt get #NAME? error

Please, can someone help?

Many thanks!!!
Please ,would it be sth like:

I am not sure if I got you correctely, nevertheless, I’ve tried.
What about this approach? VLookup.ods
Change NameA to NameB, NameC etc. to get the respective surename.

Plus, I have seen this solution somewhere. It does not belong to me, so all credits to the creator. dynValidation2.3.ods

Edit: @Glitter has modified the question, so I have updated my file. Be aware that every name has to be unique to get correct results. VLookup.ods

Please mark your edit next time as it is hard to follow up!

@lactea - now rereading the question it seems to be simpler than I initially thought. So +1 to your answer.

VLOOKUP() works only on continuous ranges on one page, AFAIK.

What would help you is a combination of MATCH() and OFFSET().

Vlookup() works on different sheets, FYI