I am having a java problem specifically with Base reports in OpenSuse 13.2 (Linux). I can create and edit reports, but when I try to open them, I get a java error.
With LO Version: (Build ID: 430m0(Build:2)), when I try to execute or open the report, I receive an error message that the report cannot be opened because of a javaloader error -- could not find class com/sun/star/com/loader/JavaLoader/
I previously had been using the factory LO version, 4.4, where I got a different, longer error message about jFreeReportBoot
. The error in LO 4.4 was not resolved by installing jCommon
. EDIT: I get two error messages, first the one on top, then on subsequent attempts to open, I get the one below.
Looks like I am missing a dependency or need to change something in the java configuration, but the error messages do not provide instructions. I am using OpenJDK 1.8, with nothing manually entered into the LO class path.
EDIT: On a recent reinstall, I got an option to run a JRE environment 1.5 provided by the Free Software Foudation. That generates the error message below:
Last I downloaded the LO 4.4 binaries from a non-repo source. There are some serious rendering artifacts in that instance (bad painting of menus, mostly) that overall make it unusable. The reports do open with no popup box with the non-repo binaries, but in the terminal it receives output:
WARNING: Exception while loading module: org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.base.boot.DefaultModuleInfo={ModuleClass=org.jfree.report.modules.gui.swing.common.SwingCommonModule}
at org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.base.boot.PackageManager.containsModule(PackageManager.java:369)
at org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.base.boot.PackageManager.loadModule(PackageManager.java:436)
at org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.base.boot.PackageManager.addModule(PackageManager.java:330)
at org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.base.boot.PackageManager.load(PackageManager.java:199)
at org.jfree.report.JFreeReportBoot.performBoot(Unknown Source)
at org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.base.boot.AbstractBoot.start(AbstractBoot.java:197)
at org.libreoffice.report.pentaho.PentahoReportEngine.<init>(PentahoReportEngine.java:34)
at org.libreoffice.report.pentaho.SOReportJobFactory$_SOReportJobFactory.createReportJob(SOReportJobFactory.java:318)
at org.libreoffice.report.pentaho.SOReportJobFactory$_SOReportJobFactory.execute(SOReportJobFactory.java:212)
I’m out of ideas. Maybe a OpenSuse package manager problem? Suggestions?