I just posted Tool to compare element styles? (or: text frame will not align in Impress) - Ask LibreOffice, and I wanted to upload an .fodp
file, which is a “Flat XML” odp file (see also Exporting an office document as single, flat, plain-text XML file?).
And it turns out, .fodp
extension is not allowed, as I got this in the error message:
allowed file types are ‘.jpg’, ‘.jpeg’, ‘.gif’, ‘.bmp’, ‘.png’, ‘.tiff’, ‘.odt’, ‘.ods’, ‘.odp’, ‘.odg’, ‘.odc’, ‘.odf’, ‘.odi’, ‘.odm’, ‘.ott’, ‘.ots’, ‘.otp’, ‘.otg’, ‘.odb’, ‘.doc’, ‘.docx’, ‘.xls’, ‘.xlsx’, ‘.ppt’, '.pptx
Since the .fodp
, .fodt
etc Flat XML files are (supposedly) OpenOffice/LibreOffice filetypes, is it possible that they could be added as “allowed”, to the upload filter of Ask.LibO?