Adding numbers to headers - chapter numbering missing

The documentation and other forum posts say to add numbering to headers, go to Tools->Chapter Numbering. Well in 7.5 on Windows there is no “Chapter Numbering” on the tools tab. Or on the Tools menu.

I have some items that are set to “Header 1” formatting, I want them to be numbered, that’s all. Thanks for any assistance.

If you see no Tools>Chapter Numbering, you may have chosen another GUI than the standard one. Please attach a screenshot of what you see when you open LO. Please also mention Windows version.

Windows 10 x64.

Version: (X86_64) / LibreOffice Community
Build ID: fcbaee479e84c6cd81291587d2ee68cba099e129
CPU threads: 8; OS: Windows 10.0 Build 19045; UI render: Skia/Raster; VCL: win
Locale: en-GB (en_GB); UI: en-GB
Calc: CL threaded

Try using the Standard Toolbar interface rather than the Tabbed interface. Alternately, add the Menu Bar to the Tabbed interface.

In either case, go to Tools in the Menu Bar and you should see Chapter Numbering listed.


Thanks, it’s there when I switched back. So it looks like the tabbed interface is incomplete. Shame because I quite like it, but I can see now that a lot of stuff is either missing, or the documentation website only includes how to get to it from the menus.

Thanks for your help.


Ah, so it’s there, just in a difference place that the documentation doesn’t mention.

As an aside, I find that when an application has a vast number of options like this, a search tool is really handy.

IMHO, these tabbed GUIs are offered to “ease” switch from Word to Writer. I write “ease” enclosed with quotation marks because I am not convinced at all that it facilitates the switch over. Writer is based on a different approach to formatting: it promotes the use of styles absolutely everywhere (not only universally known paragraph, but also character, page, frame, list). Unfortunately by postponing the change, users get to think that Word and Writer are the same and continue for ever direct formatting. This is wrong.

The documentation describes the standard interface which has less emphasis on direct formatting though style formatted is not boosted to what it deserves in order not to rebut newcomers. If you want to benefit from maximum power out of Writer, learn styles and use them.

Also the various variants of ribbon interface are relatively recent and, yes, the documentation has not been updated. But, as I wrote above, the ribbon approach is not the right one with Writer. Using styles methodically and consistently, you no longer need to apply your typographical effect manually.

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I find that the Tabbed interface is quite bulky and takes up a lot of unnecessary screen space. I much prefer using the Menu Bar, Shortcut Keys, and Sidebar.


I like the tabs in Word more than the menus because they are easier to scan over and find what you want visually. The ones in Writer aren’t the best, but they aren’t terrible. There are issues like with the way that styles are displayed, but at least in theory it should save a click over a drop down menu.

Obviously if the intent was to make switching from Word easier then it’s kind of a problem to not support it at all in the documentation.

I’ll stick with the menus for now, as I don’t use Writer enough to learn everything and end up relying on searching the docs for the answer.