No Tools / Chapter Numberting option writer


I have no “Tools / Chaper numbering” option in

I’ve read this thread, but no matter what interface I choose, that option is not available for me.


New name: Heading numbering.

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Thanks for your prompt replay!

I’m exporting some documents to .odt and in the past, the exported document had a table of content, but not anymore with the latest version and it’s related to chapter numbering and I think heading and chapter numbering are different things.

Anyway, I’ve just found out that if I go tools/update, it creates and updates the table of content, so I’ll use that workaround for now.

They are the same, see this question, Undocumented changes in Writer 7.6.x

There are more uses for Heading Numbering than just chapter numbering so the change in name is to reflect that.

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Got it, thank you very much for point me to that reference.