Please provide any information you have on this issue.
Faced a problem when it is necessary to filter records taking into account their length, e.g., CriteriaRange >> SampleFieldName: ="="&(LEN(1stCellRef)>=40)
. Relative reference to the first cell did not allow processing all records…
There is practically no information on this topic. This issue was not addressed in the Calc guide.
Nothing but an example criteria for dates (BETWEEN Date1 AND Date2). An example file from @Villeroy.
advanced_filter.ods (28.9 KB)
For an example of tasks solved in MS Excel using calculated advanced filter criteria (that is, formulas), I will give a link and a file.
Reference Material
Using Advanced Filter in Excel - criteria range examples with formulas
Sample Tasks (MS Excel, XLSX):
FilterAdvCriteriaComplex.xlsx (71.9 KB)
The above file downloaded from here.
In MS Excel, in the Сriteria range, the name of the field must be empty or be called something different than in the data set. In LO Calc, the name of the specified field must match the data set.
And if several criteria for one field must be connected using the AND operator, then the column with this field in the Сriteria range must be duplicated as done in the example above (with dates) by @Villeroy.