After doing vlookup showing value not available, what should i do?

After doing vlookup showing value not available.
Exm :=VLOOKUP(A12,‘file:///C:/Users/TuhinangshuC/Desktop/Issuance May 20.xlsx’#$Sheet7.A12:D103,4,0)

There have some values but showing #NA instead of value.

After doing vlookup showing value not available, what should i do?

You proceed to your other duties. Or is your question lacking much important details, like what is your goal; if the “value not available” unexpected and should had been available; what would you like to display instead; what was there in the cells referenced in the formula - or better the sample document, etc?

  1. If you expect a different value instead of #N/A - check the key being looked up - check for correct datatype & if values match exactly.

  2. If the key is really not there and you whish to show something else instead of #NA , enclose the Lookup formula in a IFERROR function

You might need to look at this question re updating external links, Automatic update of external links has been disabled

Do you have multiple lookups, and are they all returning #N/A?

If your formula was copied across several cells, the lookup range may be wrong. Use absolute addressing.

Also, if the lookup is on a text value, look for leading or trailing spaces in key and lookup values.

Sometimes I see issues when linking to Excel files with protection enabled. Try saving the "Issuance… " file as an ods and edit the formula to point to that instead.

The lookup range is correct, but still showing is #N/A instead of value.How to change lookup values if the lookup values is on a text value. The linking file is not protection enabled.

How to change lookup values if the lookup values is on a text value

To force entry of numeric text into a cell, type a leading apostrophe. The apostrophe will not be a part of the string.