Apple OS BigSur

I just upgraded to Big Sur and can not open Libre Office that has my documents.

Do you plan on upgrading for Big Sur and Is there any way to get to my documents? They are also saved in iCloud if there is a way to open them with Pages.


I have the same problem.

open Libre Office that has my documents.

LibreOffice doesn’t have your documents. It is your system (or you) having the documents.

Anyway, you did not mention your LibreOffice version, hence the only thing which could be said by now: LibreOffice version 7.0.3 should work and if you don’t have that version installed: Update!
If you have that version: Run /Applications/ --safe-mode in a terminal and provide error messages you may get.

>Do you plan on upgrading for Big Sur

Question addressed incorrectly to “you”. We are users like you and hence you could have asked yourself. For planned releases see Release Plans (see also above about 7.0.3)

> They are also saved in iCloud if there is a way to open them with Pages.

Ask Apple about features of Pages and/or at least specify the file format you have used to save your files (.odt or anything else like .docx/.doc).

Hello @labill and @SuCoat

Do a little search on this forum to discover the wide range of questions and answers about Big Sur.

At least, visit this post, for methodology and success indications.

To show the community that the question has found its answer, please click on the ✓ aside the top of the correct answer.

Please do not use Add Answer but edit your original question to enhance the details of your question (answers are reserved for solutions to a problem on this Q&A site). Thanks in advance …

Kind regards, Michel

Sorry, this is the first time I have asked a question, and did not mean to offend anyone by using the word “you”. I used the word “you” because I thought I was asking the developers.

I now understand this was the forum I was on.

I have upgraded to version and my problem is fixed.

Thank you,

Hello @labill

Happy to read that you solved your issie.

Thank you for your return of experience.

Nobody’s hurted.

Kind regards, Michel