Hello, everyone!
I was typing a poem from a book on Writer and when I clicked Tools > AutoCorrect > Apply and Edit Changes, some of the text was replaced, but some wasn’t. The text was the following:
the one that looks gloomy:---:
(Page 1, line 13)
What I wanted to do was to replace both :---:
with m-dash. However, only the last one is replaced. It happens for emojis, too. I have AutoCorrect’s [x]While Typing checked. Under AutoCorrect Options, on the Options tab I have unchecked the AutoCorrect while typing checkbox for [x][ ]Use replacement table. I have no clue as to why this happens, and would appreciate if anyone could help.
My Operating System is Xubuntu 22.04.2
LibreOffice Version is 7.4.7
I am also uploading the file for further analysis.
acasa.odt (20.4 KB)