Bad grid display

Hello. I am using Libre office on a Manjaro system with KDE Plasma 6.0.5 and wayland. And in Calc it shows me the grid like this. Do you know what to do about it? I also tried zoom in and out and reset setting, but it didn’t help

Continued from Zlé zobrazenie mriežky thread, which is in Czech and Slovak and we haven’t come up with a solution

from wiki: Rendering issues specific to Linux

When i use SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=gen libreoffice, it displays the grid correctly, but the environment is ugly and doesn’t fit KDE. When I use kf5 or kf6, the grid is again rendered incorrectly. When I use gtk3, the grid is displayed correctly, but my menus (File, View, Insert, Format…) disappear and can’t be turned on (I’ve also tried other user interface settings, but it doesn’t display the menu at all). And with gtk4 libreoffice crashes.

I tried switching from wayland to X11 and there the grid is fine. but I would like to fix it on wayland