Bad page orientation when printing with multiple page styles

When I try to print to PDF, all pages that follow a page in landscape also prints in landscape. My issue is in Calc, with Writer, this works

The print preview (Ctrl+Shift+O) on a page by page basis is a 100% how it needs to be. The data and images fit in the page and all. That is for all individual sheets I have.

Page 1 (Set to portrait)

Page 2 (Set as landscape)

Page 3 (Set as portrait - Whaaa ?)

Page styles was applied with the Styles sidebar:

I tried opening the document in Micro**** 0ffice, but it’s so ugly, I would need to recreate the entire document. - I also really don’t want to use that software.

If I Export to PDF it works, but it’s a bit convoluted for the other people that would also need to play with this document, as they would need to export to PDF then find the PDF and then print the PDF to a printer… They already have trouble finding “My Documents” :joy:

Any ideas ?

With PageOrientationBaseDoc106910.odt, if I

  • Print to a physical printer, HP9010, it prints correctly
  • Print to Adobe PDF Printer, it prints correctly
  • Print to Bullzip PDF Printer, it prints correctly
  • Export as PDF, it prints correctly

PageOrientationBaseDoc106910.odt (12.9 KB)
PageOrientationPrintToBullzipPDF.pdf (11.9 KB)
PageOrientationExportToPDF.pdf (14.0 KB)

What pdf printer do you use?
Did you set Orientation to Automatic in the print dialogue?

Note that Export to pdf gives a better pdf with working links and bookmarks, as well as generally being smaller, for a larger document than this, and with better quality images

Thanks for your tests. Yes, this feature works with Writer, but not with Calc.

I remember having issues with the preview in the Print dialog, but it still printed ok with Writer when switching orientaiton with page style.

But Calc really doesn’t like it, at least on my two computers.

Sorry, I didn’t see the Calc tag.
Maybe tdf#155218

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No worries.

Ah, yes, thank you ! I didn’t found that issue the first time around <3