Base error "Missing Selection" when creating relationships between tables + ctrl+v not working sometimes

Hi everyone.

I’m currently looking forward to develop a .odb database for a historical research project about land markets in XV century italy and I’ve already designed some db structures that could be useful and are working as intended once they get implemented on Microsoft Access. I’d prefer to develop a db using the .odb format because of its non proprietary characteristics, but I’m currently stuck at ground level. This (see the image attached) is the error message I get when I create a relationship between two tables, and I can’t find any useful information about it by looking through this forum and beyond at the best of my ability.

Please understand that I’m no developer and no advanced user: this problem might be extremely easy to fix but I think I need it explained as you would explain it to a 6 yrs old.

I’m using the most recent version of LibreBase and this problem occurs using multiple pcs. I’m currently using a Huawei Matebook, but I don’t know if it can influence anything.

I also have another problem: sometimes ctrl+v does not work while working on Base dbs and I can’t wrap my head around why. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn’t, but the apparent randomness makes it really annoying. ctrl+c works fine. Right clicking and pasting works fine. This also happens with multiple pcs but maybe surprisingly it’s not as common as my on main pc compared to my Huawei Matebook.

Thank you for your patience.

You haven’t selected any field. Click on first column in “Campo” and choose a field or double click on any field in the tables like “TestVar”.

Relationship between tables will be saved through Tools → Relationships. This relations will be read by the query editor. But you also could connect the tables in any other way.

Yeah, it seems like it’s working. At least I can save what I would assume is the Relationship even though I can’t seem to find it under the “Tools/Strumenti” tab. I guess I’ll try to implement the db as I created it in Access and see what happens.

Thank you!