BASIC+Calc: How to get address of last cell used with content

This code is for all kinds of cell used (including format).

 Sub GetAddressOfLastCellUsed
	Dim oSheet, oCursor  As Object
	Dim LastColumn, LastRow As Long
	oSheet = thiscomponent.getcurrentcontroller.activesheet
	oCursor = oSheet.createCursor
	LastColumn = oCursor.RangeAddress.EndColumn
	LastRow = oCursor.RangeAddress.EndRow
	MSgBox "Cell name at the end of used area is " & "(" & LastColumn & "," & (LastRow + 1) & ")"
End Sub

How can we get the address of last cell used with content only (C10) instead of format (D17) ?


Sub get_last_content()
	doc = ThisComponent
    sheet = doc.CurrentController.ActiveSheet
    cursor = sheet.createCursor    
    cells = cursor.queryContentCells(1023)
	MsgBox cells(cells.Count - 1).AbsoluteName
End Sub

Dear @Mauricio ,

How can I change from AbsoluteName to position of column index 2 and row index 9 separately ?

exactly in your example

cell = cells(cells.Count - 1)
LastColumn = cell.RangeAddress.EndColumn
LastRow = cell.RangeAddress.EndRow
MSgBox "Cell name at the end of used area is " & "(" & LastColumn & "," & (LastRow + 1) & ")"

Dear @mauricio ,

Thank you so much.

If i need last used row in Column B ?

Then you should start a new question, instead of extending a old topic with barely related additions.

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i dont want to do all tat hard work

For example like this

Sub lastRowInColumnB
	dim oDoc as object, oSheet as object, oColumn as object, oContent as object, p()
	msgbox p(ubound(p)).EndRow 'last row in column B
End Sub

thanks Kamil

See also: tdf#137667.
CellFlags =1023 is specified to find all usedl cells where “used” should mean the same as in UsedArea. The above suggestion therefore only returns the expected result because the mentioned bug is active. The correct value is CellFlags=31 if cells with annotations (“comments”) shall be included, CellFlags=23 otherwise (direct content of any kind - including formulas).
Please note that there isn’t a single CellFlag for “number” in the ordinary sense Calc uses the term. DateTime is treated differently based on the category of the NumberFormat. To get all the Number cells in the Calc sense, you need to use CellFlags=3 (=1+2)

The question assumes there is a definite “last used cell” in any sheet. The term is, however, ambiguous not only concerning the “used”: (1)Rightmost used cell of the bottom used row? (2)Bottommost used cell of the rightmost used column? (3)Bottom right cell of the “used rectangular range”? The interpretation (§) was obviously assumed by the OQ. The answer I’m commenting on silently assumed (2) if the actual working is interpreted. Afaik the order of CellRange objects returned by .queryContentCells() isn’t specified at all.

I suppose the mentioned bug will not be fixed. The fix would break too many sheets using code relying on it. The “indispensable bug”. An old phenomenon.

This does not work because queryContentCells returns a collection of SheetCellRanges even if it queries one contiguous range of content cells. The address of its last element should return the correct end column.

'calls: none
Function getUsedRange(oSheet)
Dim oCursor
	oCursor = oSheet.createCursor()
	getUsedRange = oCursor
End Function

returns the used range of a given sheet as a range object. This rectangle includes all content cells.

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For completeness:

Function getCurrentRegion(oRange)
Dim oCursor
	oCursor = oRange.getSpreadSheet.createCursorByRange(oRange)
	getCurrentRegion = oCursor
End Function

returns the current region of adjacent content cells around a given range. In most cases you want to pass a cell object to this function.

Does this forum include a list of foes, by the way?

This again ignores the OQ’s requirement to not include formatted cells not having actual content.
And to all of us: Having tested a piece of code with INT(PI()/3) examples isn’t a proof of correctness. :wink:

This is what im using to return the last used row of any column:

function GetLastRow(sheet, col)

eCells = sheet.Columns(col).QueryEmptyCells
finRg = eCells(eCells.Count - 1)

GetLastRow =finRg.GetCellByPosition(0, 0).RangeAddress.endRow

End Function

‘UsedRange’ is too tricky to use i think

In my LO, the macro getUsedRange by @Villeroy for the example from start message returns C10 as the last cell.

Correct. It works as expected. I made a sheet like the one screenshot with content in A1:C10 and formatting in D17. The following code selects A1:C10.

Sub Main
sh = ThisComponent.Sheets(0)
view = ThisCOmponent.CurrentController()
rg = getUsedRange(sh)
End Sub

What’s “it”? You posted code based on different approaches. Once you used the (formatting.sensitive!) XUsedAreaCursor with its methods gotoStartOfUsedArea and gotoEndOfUsedArea, already contained in the OQ, otherwise the XSheetCellCursor with its (wrongly named) collapseToCurrentRegion. The latter actually ignores formatting, but looks for a range including the previously covered one and completely surrounded by “empty” cells (or sheet edges). Both approaches can’t actually do what the OQ asked for if we not restrict the question to the one unsubstantial example. Lacking the distinction between the (at least) 3 cases I listed above, the question simply isn’t answerable sensibly.

BTW: V7.2 (now .0.4 for me) comes with a regression bug concerning the XUsedAreaCursor which now wrongly ignores formatted cells. I just wasted another hour to find this out. My preserved 7.1.2 did not yet contain the bug. Do I now need to check again my user profile? It’s a mess…
(Yes. The bug also shows up with a virgin profile.)

Also see: tdf#144085.

Concerning the term current region:
demoSelectCurrentRegion.ods (11.7 KB).

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No, this hour is not wasted - thanks for finding it and filing it!

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provides methods to find the used area of the entire sheet. The used area is the smallest cell range
hat contains all cells of the spreadsheet with any contents (values, text, formulas) or visible formatting > borders and background color).

I always thought that including the formatting would be a bug and that this bug has been fixed recently. Now I learn that the misbehaviour is intended.